
                  The average life of a college student, mother of two, athlete, boyfriend etc. can be very hectic. There are so many different outlets and ways that people can get themselves not only skinny, but living a healthier lifestyle overall without going to extreme measures such as running marathons, liquid diets and draining your wallet in the process. The goal of this blog is to unearth the simple steps we can take everyday to getting closer to our goals, and to keep the readers motivated to do so.
                   Different forms of exercise such as yoga, zumba, kickboxing, and even walking are being researched and discussed. Not only will the physical activity play a role in getting closer to you personal “skinny” goal, but diet will play a huge role as well. Don’t want to sacrifice the slice of cheesecake? Then don’t! Life is about balance and moderation, which is a lesson my mother has taught me ever since I understood the definition of moderation. I am here to inform you of ways you can find the healthier and overall more motivated you without being miserable, starving, and broke!
                   My name is Caitlin Byrne and I am here to introduce you to your new lifestyle. As a former collegiate athlete, I have found my new passion in maintaining a healthy lifestyle off the field. I love trying new things out, and seeing what works and what is useless. I am the current sports editor for the Golden Gate Xpress, and will always keeps sports near and dear to my heart and fitness and health closer. Come with me on my journey to getting skinny, whatever that “skinny” means to you individually. If you have any questions, comments or concerns you can reach me at CaitMarieBee@gmail.com. Thank you for your readership and interest in my Get Skinny Mini blog.

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