Turn up the volume!

7 Feb

If you are anything like myself, you find the sound of your lungs nearly collapsing during your run far from motivating. So why not drown your dying-dog-like noises out with some great tunes?! But wait, what in the world should you listen to? I mean there are so many options and way too many Pandora stations to pick from to know what is going to make you train your gluttes off.

So what works best? What type of music out of the 50,000 genres you are intrested in will help put that extra pep in your step?

First of all, if your doubting puting those blinged out earbuds in don’t you even think about hesitating. According to Fit Day, listening to music while working out can actually pose as a sort of distraction and cause you to train for longer and even possibly at a higher intensity.

But what tempo should we consider when picking out our favorite tunes?

If you are headed out for an intense run, elliptical session, or a spin class the best route to go is anything with a fast tempo. No matter what the type of music the speed of it is the most important part according to a BBC article.  Basically what everyone is trying to say is anything that lights a fire under your behind will benefit your overall performance especially during fast-paced cardio exercise.

According to an article by NPR and studies done by Costas Karageorhis, the deputy head of research at the School of Sport and Education at Brunel University in West London, there are two types of situations that call for different tempos. First off if you are simply listening to music from the TV or over the speakers in the gym (which is considered background music) you want to have a beat that is between 125 beats per minute to 140 beats per minute.  (Once again you are on your own for the math portion folks!)

On the other hand if you are winding down in the gym and calling it a day, the best option for you is to slow things down in the music department. This will help slow your heart rate down to bring your body back to a normal recovery state.

Don’t forget to listen to the words of playlist as well! Lyrics can play a huge role in inspiring you to go that extra mile! That is where playlists on your iPod come in great handy rather than shuffling through your 1,500 GB iPod that could almost hold every song ever known to man.

So would you like to know what my favorite Pandora stations are now that you are done reading that long speal?!


1. Calvin Harris (running and cardio)

2. Swedish House Mafia (running and cardio)

3. Top Country Hits (for cooling down)

4. Frank Ocean (for cooling down)

5. Dubstep Radio (for lifting)

6. Jeremy Passion (cool down)

Hope that helped answer some buring curiousities you may have had! Until next time…stay fit, stay motivated and GET SKINNY!




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