Archive | January, 2013

Protein Overload

31 Jan


You see them at the entrance of every gym packaged with bold and shiny, metallic letters. Everyone you know drinks them, but why? This is for all you ladies out there that are fooled by the protein shake myths. Yes, you! Put it down. Now walk away! Now let’s get down to business.

Although protein is an essential for the human body there are many underlying myths. The first myth that is debugged is ‘the more the better.’ Although protein is necessary for many of the body’s functions, too much can also be harmful. Remember like my mom said before, EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. Therefore, you should probably stop pouring all that disgusting chalky powder now.

So to put this into perspective according to the average 130 lb. female should be intaking around 47 grams of protein per day. Now if you are anything like myself you are sitting there thinking…what is 47 grams of protein?! Well if we are talking meat here, for every one ounce of cooked meat there is 7 grams of protein, you can do the rest of the math (that is far from my expertise). Many women tend to consume double their grams of protein per day. You may think this is beneficial, but according to  this can actually put your bodily systems under a great deal of stress as well as prevent you from shedding those last five pounds.

So if you still have the idea that pounding down that BULK UP PRO EXTREME MUSCLE hoopla will help you get big and buff like the roided out fool at the gym, sit down drink water and think again.

But let’s say you had a really tough workout, you hydrated properly and you still are looking for some kind of recovery fluid that will get you feeling back to yourself again. Want to know a great alternative to your protein shake or expensive liquid formula that tastes like chalky dust?! Drumroll please…CHOCOLATE MILK!!!

Yes you read that right, I said chocolate milk! According to Fitness Magazine, chocolate milk actually provides carbohydrate replenishment to your muscles that water cannot provide after a tough sweat. Keep it low fat and you have a low-calorie, just enough protein recovery drink! Try that on for size. But at the end of the day if you are eating healthy, staying hydrated, and getting your healthy dose of exercise there is no need for excess protein. Keep it simple. Keep it healthy. Stay active. And don’t fall for the protein pitfall. Stay skinny folks!