Archive | December, 2012

Tip of the Day: Proportion is Key!

12 Dec

It is a tragic but all too common situation. Many guys feel the need to bulk up their biceps, triceps and traps but little do they realize that they start to look similar to a chicken when they forget those handy dandy things they use to walk. Never forget no matter what gender you are, there should be a day for legs and a day for arms and all the body parts in between. Proportion is key when it comes to working out!

A Widening Trend: Increasing Obese Rates

12 Dec

Untitled presentation (1)

The data in the graph above displays the rising trend in obese adults over the age of 18 in California as well as the United States. The information was gathered by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and was compiled in a report by the California Center for Research on Women and Families.