Satisfying Your Sweet Tooth

14 Nov




Most of us have one. It calls our name especially during late nights. It makes us dream of chocolatey goodness and carmelishous greatness. You guessed it! I am talking about that sweet tooth of yours.

In the video I made above I discuss some alternatives to your guilty donut pleasure or banana cream pie dream. Along with alternatives there are also things to look out for when heading out to the grocery store and picking out your late night treats.

There are some tips to take into account when taking a glance at the nutrition label on the back of those cookies you have in your hand. Yes, you! Put the Oreos down.

Along with that I have provided some resources here for some healthy dessert recipes to try out during your Thanksgiving break:

Fitness Magazine Guilt-Free Desserts 

Eating Well Low-Calorie Dessert Recipes 

14 Most Guilt-Free Desserts by That’s Fit 


Motivational Quote of the Day:

-“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.” Unknown

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