Hydration Happy

3 Nov

Up to 60 percent of our bodies are made up of it, we need it after long nights of heavy drinking, and when the heat sets in during summertime we dive right into it. You guessed it folks, I am talking about the one and only H2O!

Hydrating yourself pre and post workout is a very essential tool in staying healthy and feeling good all day long. Although there is no set amount of water you should drink daily, you should always drink enough to where you urine is not dark (GROSS!) and you do not find yourself parched throughout the day.

There are many benefits to staying hydrated both long term and short term. The benefits according to Livestrong.com include: waste management, improved body temperature regulation, increased body lubrication, improved weight maintenance, and it keeps your muscles strong and active.

But what do you drink when water gets a tad too boring? Do you listen to Robert Griffin III when he tells you to drink Gatorade? Or do you drink an energy drink that makes you feel cracked out? What is best and what is worst?

If you think Gatorade is the right answer, you are highly mistaken. Although Gatorade has all those wonderful electrolytes in it and is good if you are a hardcore marathon runner or a competitive athlete, it is not good for us average joes after your daily workout. The amount of sugar and carbs involved in a regular bottle is more harmful than helpful. Not to mention the fact that if you are anything like me and have a bad history of cavities, Gatorade erodes your teeth faster than a can of Pepsi or Coca-Cola.

So what are some good alternatives for some good ol’ hydration?

A new healthy trend is coconut water! Coconut water has the electrolytes needed to help get you back up and running after a tough workout. When compared to Gatorade, coconut water has less sodium, less sugar, more potassium, and most importanly less calories! So why not scoop up a bottle of coconut water at your local 7-11?!

The trick with hydration is not to fall for the hype of the commercial or the popularity of the name, rather check the nutrition label on the back and do your research! You might find something new which will benefit you, your workout, and your skinny goals! So grab that bottle of water or Zico coconut water and drink up so you can slim down! GO US!

Motivational Quote of the Week: “If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” – Mary Engelbreit

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