The Insanity Challenge

16 Oct


The Insanity workout put on by Beach Body is definitely along the lines of an uphill challenge. It puts to work muscles that might have been left dormant for a year or so too long. It combines workout elements like plyometrics and interval work with jumping, running in place and pretty much stomping the yard (or in your case probably the living room). One note to take into consideration is warning your neighbors if you live in an apartment or on the second floor because the police might be called on you from the amount of jumping you are about to take part in.

Three participants (aka my roommates) took part in the fitness test challenge to see how they would like the Insanity program. Two of them are former softball players, and one currently is on the softball team at the collegiate level. In other words each of them know how to work hard, but this workout was something none of them considered themselves ready for.

Take a listen to hear feedback, and decide for yourself whether or not this Insanity program is right for you!


“Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat.” — Ann Landers 

One Response to “The Insanity Challenge”

  1. clevar October 17, 2012 at 4:25 pm #

    Everything you offer in your blogs are all very inspiring.

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