Turn up the volume!

7 Feb

If you are anything like myself, you find the sound of your lungs nearly collapsing during your run far from motivating. So why not drown your dying-dog-like noises out with some great tunes?! But wait, what in the world should you listen to? I mean there are so many options and way too many Pandora stations to pick from to know what is going to make you train your gluttes off.

So what works best? What type of music out of the 50,000 genres you are intrested in will help put that extra pep in your step?

First of all, if your doubting puting those blinged out earbuds in don’t you even think about hesitating. According to Fit Day, listening to music while working out can actually pose as a sort of distraction and cause you to train for longer and even possibly at a higher intensity.

But what tempo should we consider when picking out our favorite tunes?

If you are headed out for an intense run, elliptical session, or a spin class the best route to go is anything with a fast tempo. No matter what the type of music the speed of it is the most important part according to a BBC article.  Basically what everyone is trying to say is anything that lights a fire under your behind will benefit your overall performance especially during fast-paced cardio exercise.

According to an article by NPR and studies done by Costas Karageorhis, the deputy head of research at the School of Sport and Education at Brunel University in West London, there are two types of situations that call for different tempos. First off if you are simply listening to music from the TV or over the speakers in the gym (which is considered background music) you want to have a beat that is between 125 beats per minute to 140 beats per minute.  (Once again you are on your own for the math portion folks!)

On the other hand if you are winding down in the gym and calling it a day, the best option for you is to slow things down in the music department. This will help slow your heart rate down to bring your body back to a normal recovery state.

Don’t forget to listen to the words of playlist as well! Lyrics can play a huge role in inspiring you to go that extra mile! That is where playlists on your iPod come in great handy rather than shuffling through your 1,500 GB iPod that could almost hold every song ever known to man.

So would you like to know what my favorite Pandora stations are now that you are done reading that long speal?!


1. Calvin Harris (running and cardio)

2. Swedish House Mafia (running and cardio)

3. Top Country Hits (for cooling down)

4. Frank Ocean (for cooling down)

5. Dubstep Radio (for lifting)

6. Jeremy Passion (cool down)

Hope that helped answer some buring curiousities you may have had! Until next time…stay fit, stay motivated and GET SKINNY!




Protein Overload

31 Jan


You see them at the entrance of every gym packaged with bold and shiny, metallic letters. Everyone you know drinks them, but why? This is for all you ladies out there that are fooled by the protein shake myths. Yes, you! Put it down. Now walk away! Now let’s get down to business.

Although protein is an essential for the human body there are many underlying myths. The first myth that is debugged is ‘the more the better.’ Although protein is necessary for many of the body’s functions, too much can also be harmful. Remember like my mom said before, EVERYTHING IN MODERATION. Therefore, you should probably stop pouring all that disgusting chalky powder now.

So to put this into perspective according to Vegnews.com the average 130 lb. female should be intaking around 47 grams of protein per day. Now if you are anything like myself you are sitting there thinking…what is 47 grams of protein?! Well if we are talking meat here, for every one ounce of cooked meat there is 7 grams of protein, you can do the rest of the math (that is far from my expertise). Many women tend to consume double their grams of protein per day. You may think this is beneficial, but according to Medicinenet.com  this can actually put your bodily systems under a great deal of stress as well as prevent you from shedding those last five pounds.

So if you still have the idea that pounding down that BULK UP PRO EXTREME MUSCLE hoopla will help you get big and buff like the roided out fool at the gym, sit down drink water and think again.

But let’s say you had a really tough workout, you hydrated properly and you still are looking for some kind of recovery fluid that will get you feeling back to yourself again. Want to know a great alternative to your protein shake or expensive liquid formula that tastes like chalky dust?! Drumroll please…CHOCOLATE MILK!!!

Yes you read that right, I said chocolate milk! According to Fitness Magazine, chocolate milk actually provides carbohydrate replenishment to your muscles that water cannot provide after a tough sweat. Keep it low fat and you have a low-calorie, just enough protein recovery drink! Try that on for size. But at the end of the day if you are eating healthy, staying hydrated, and getting your healthy dose of exercise there is no need for excess protein. Keep it simple. Keep it healthy. Stay active. And don’t fall for the protein pitfall. Stay skinny folks!

Tip of the Day: Proportion is Key!

12 Dec

It is a tragic but all too common situation. Many guys feel the need to bulk up their biceps, triceps and traps but little do they realize that they start to look similar to a chicken when they forget those handy dandy things they use to walk. Never forget no matter what gender you are, there should be a day for legs and a day for arms and all the body parts in between. Proportion is key when it comes to working out!

A Widening Trend: Increasing Obese Rates

12 Dec

Untitled presentation (1)

The data in the graph above displays the rising trend in obese adults over the age of 18 in California as well as the United States. The information was gathered by the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and was compiled in a report by the California Center for Research on Women and Families.

What is Chi Running?

28 Nov


Have you ever wanted to improve your running? Have you ever wondered whether you are using the right form? Well if you are anything like me and wish you could refrain from breathing like a dying bulldog while putting in work on the treadmill, Chi Running might be the step in the right direction.

Chi Running is a technique of running that is proven to actually reduce injuries as well as improve on the efficiency of your running. It works on a variety of different elements of posture as well as using not only gravity to your advantage but your mental state of mind as well.

Sally Mitchell is a San Francisco instructor and offers classes in the Presidio as well as all over the Bay Area. She offers both private lessons as well as group lessons, and they are offered around once a month.

Check out the video above to learn more!

Music by: Halloween – “Mickey Maos” – Derived from Free Music Archive

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK – “Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” – Jim Rohn



Satisfying Your Sweet Tooth

14 Nov




Most of us have one. It calls our name especially during late nights. It makes us dream of chocolatey goodness and carmelishous greatness. You guessed it! I am talking about that sweet tooth of yours.

In the video I made above I discuss some alternatives to your guilty donut pleasure or banana cream pie dream. Along with alternatives there are also things to look out for when heading out to the grocery store and picking out your late night treats.

There are some tips to take into account when taking a glance at the nutrition label on the back of those cookies you have in your hand. Yes, you! Put the Oreos down.

Along with that I have provided some resources here for some healthy dessert recipes to try out during your Thanksgiving break:

Fitness Magazine Guilt-Free Desserts 

Eating Well Low-Calorie Dessert Recipes 

14 Most Guilt-Free Desserts by That’s Fit 


Motivational Quote of the Day:

-“We cannot direct the wind, but we can adjust the sails.” Unknown

Interval Training: A Step in the Right Training Direction

7 Nov


While at the gym the other day, I ended up talking to a man about a little thing called interval training. He said it was one of the best workouts he had ever done before, and has helped him lose the annoying weight that he had been attempting to lose for quite some time.

Interval training is a cardio workout that is based mostly on your heart rate. It is a combination of sporadic bursts of faster paced cardio for an allotted amount of time, followed by a recovery period to slow your heart rate back down. Your target heart rate will depend upon your age and the intensity of the workout you want to achieve.

There are many benefits to interval training especially with high intensity. These include the fact that the workout doesn’t have to take a big chunk of time. Most high intensity workouts normally last around 15 minutes, but leave you feeling as though you ran a marathon.

Some of the other benefits that people have discovered from participating in this workout are decreased apetite, reduction of stress, higher endurance, increased metabolism, better toning, and even has been proven to show signs of fighting osteoporosis.

Overall, it something I have yet to dive completely into but am willing to try. Whether you are at the gym or outside getting your daily run in, don’t rule out the fact interval training might be the step you need to take to get to where you want to be.

For a great guide to interval training and how to get started CLICK HERE!

Hydration Happy

3 Nov

Up to 60 percent of our bodies are made up of it, we need it after long nights of heavy drinking, and when the heat sets in during summertime we dive right into it. You guessed it folks, I am talking about the one and only H2O!

Hydrating yourself pre and post workout is a very essential tool in staying healthy and feeling good all day long. Although there is no set amount of water you should drink daily, you should always drink enough to where you urine is not dark (GROSS!) and you do not find yourself parched throughout the day.

There are many benefits to staying hydrated both long term and short term. The benefits according to Livestrong.com include: waste management, improved body temperature regulation, increased body lubrication, improved weight maintenance, and it keeps your muscles strong and active.

But what do you drink when water gets a tad too boring? Do you listen to Robert Griffin III when he tells you to drink Gatorade? Or do you drink an energy drink that makes you feel cracked out? What is best and what is worst?

If you think Gatorade is the right answer, you are highly mistaken. Although Gatorade has all those wonderful electrolytes in it and is good if you are a hardcore marathon runner or a competitive athlete, it is not good for us average joes after your daily workout. The amount of sugar and carbs involved in a regular bottle is more harmful than helpful. Not to mention the fact that if you are anything like me and have a bad history of cavities, Gatorade erodes your teeth faster than a can of Pepsi or Coca-Cola.

So what are some good alternatives for some good ol’ hydration?

A new healthy trend is coconut water! Coconut water has the electrolytes needed to help get you back up and running after a tough workout. When compared to Gatorade, coconut water has less sodium, less sugar, more potassium, and most importanly less calories! So why not scoop up a bottle of coconut water at your local 7-11?!

The trick with hydration is not to fall for the hype of the commercial or the popularity of the name, rather check the nutrition label on the back and do your research! You might find something new which will benefit you, your workout, and your skinny goals! So grab that bottle of water or Zico coconut water and drink up so you can slim down! GO US!

Motivational Quote of the Week: “If you don’t like something change it; if you can’t change it, change the way you think about it.” – Mary Engelbreit

Cardio: running the pounds off

23 Oct

We all hate it. We all do whatever we can to avoid it. Some of us even have nightmares about it and wake up in the middle of the night sweating. You stare at the timer as you feel the sweat drip from your forehead, and time seems to be almost at a standstill. I am talking about the dreaded cardiovascular exercise.

Whether it be running outside or on a treadmill, the elliptical, swimming or even biking there are many ways we can get our heart pumping fix. There are multiple benefits in doing so in both the short run (maybe weight loss goals) and the long run (future heart health).

According to Livestrong.com the benefits of cardio include: heart benefits, cancer prevention, mental health, and weight control. So the benefits really do outweigh the pain and sweat you have to put yourself through in a 30 minute running session.

The average amount of time that is recommended for the amount of cardio to get in per week is 30 minutes for three times a week. Obviously, if you are looking to push yourself you can stretch the amount time or intensity of each workout. The biggest tip I can give you is to ensure that you slowly build up your endurance and workouts, step by step.

What I mean by this is to not lace up your running shoes, step out of the door and go on a 15-mile-run out of no where. You can start with 20 minute runs at a decent pace, and week by week add five to ten minutes depending on your overall fitness and skinny goals.  So the overall goal is to start small and progressively push yourself each week.

Another tip that will help you in your cardiovascular journey is to change it up every now and then, and not allow yourself to fall into the boring trap of doing the same routine over and over, especially when it comes to working out at an indoor gym. You are more likely to be more motivated to workout when you do not get into a nauseating routine that becomes all too familiar.

Whether you change it from the elliptical to the treadmill or Zumba class to spin, as long as you get your heart rate up and your blood flowing you are already on the right track to getting to where you want to be. Don’t be afraid to push yourself, just remind yourself Halloween is right around the corner and the holidays are breathing down your neck. Keep your goals in mind these next few months and strive to get skinnier each and every week! Go us!

MOTIVATIONAL QUOTE OF THE WEEK: “Attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.” — Winston Churchill

The Insanity Challenge

16 Oct


The Insanity workout put on by Beach Body is definitely along the lines of an uphill challenge. It puts to work muscles that might have been left dormant for a year or so too long. It combines workout elements like plyometrics and interval work with jumping, running in place and pretty much stomping the yard (or in your case probably the living room). One note to take into consideration is warning your neighbors if you live in an apartment or on the second floor because the police might be called on you from the amount of jumping you are about to take part in.

Three participants (aka my roommates) took part in the fitness test challenge to see how they would like the Insanity program. Two of them are former softball players, and one currently is on the softball team at the collegiate level. In other words each of them know how to work hard, but this workout was something none of them considered themselves ready for.

Take a listen to hear feedback, and decide for yourself whether or not this Insanity program is right for you!


“Nobody ever drowned in his own sweat.” — Ann Landers